
We improve knowledge, practice, policy – and people’s lives.

You can find examples of this all through our website. Here are what some people say:

“I realise how important my work is now and how it affects people’s lives. I think about things more now before I do them.”

Training participant

“ARC Scotland’s Principles into Practice Trial Programme (will provide a mechanism to create and deliver collective solutions, and to drive good practice, thereby helping to ensure that all young people receive appropriate support and are offered choices at points of transition, in order to reach their full potential.”

Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Children and Young People

“I am pleased to introduce the SOLD Network’s ‘Guide for Defence Solicitors: representing clients with communication support needs’ … this guidance is a crucial step in ensuring fair and equal access to justice for all.”

Humza Yousaf MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Justice

“The Charter helps me understand things better and what you’re entitled to. Gives me a voice and stand up for things I believe in.”

National Involvement Network (NIN) Member

“It was so important to hear directly from people who receive support.”

Training participant

“The information we get from ARC Scotland is huge, giving us updates from other areas we can tap into to help our work.”

Provider Forum member

“When we have all worked so hard to support all of our staff it has been invaluable to have a space in which to collectively problem solve to the benefit of all of our organisations and of each other. So much information, ideas and solutions have been shared, it was and is great comfort to understand that the sometimes extreme challenges were not one individual’s alone and shared across the sector.”

Provider Forum Chair

Here are some examples of coverage of our work:

Fiona Dawson and Gregor Hardie article in the ‘National’ with the headline ‘National group giving disabled Sots voice launches membership scheme’


Fiona Dawson article in the ‘Daily Record’ with the headline ‘Ayr disabled support network member urges people with additional needs to get involved in decision-making process’


Claire D’All article in the ‘Dundee Courier’ called “Dundee woman calls for disabled young people to have the right to live the lives they choose’

– https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/dundee/3062903/dundee-woman-calls-for-disabled-young-people-to-have-the-right-to-live-the-lives-they-choose/

The Divergent Influencers article in ‘Third Force News’ called ‘Young disabled people call for the right to live the lives they choose.’

– https://tfn.scot/news/young-disabled-people-call-for-the-right-to-live-the-lives-they-choose

The Divergent Influencers article in the ‘Sunday Post’ called “Jumping into a void: Fifth of young disabled Scots feel unsupported when leaving school.”

– https://www.sundaypost.com/fp/access-to-disability-services/