This guide aims to help support workers who find the person with learning disabilities they support in the criminal justice system. It provides information about how they can make a well-informed, constructive contribution, which is valued, not just by the person they support, but also by partner professionals in the criminal justice system.
It has been produced by the Supporting Offenders with Learning Disabilities (SOLD) network in consultation with our partners in Police Scotland, Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, Scottish Prison Service, NHS, Law Society of Scotland, Scottish Legal Aid Board, Social Work, Independent Advocacy and the voluntary sector.
It is aimed at those who provide front-line support for people who have a learning disability in social care agencies in the voluntary, statutory and independent sectors. It will also be useful to those responsible for developing organisational policies concerning their role in supporting people who are accused or convicted of an offence.
The guide will also be relevant for those who support people who have other significant communication difficulties, such as acquired brain injury, autism and foetal alcohol syndrome.