We’re all in this together

Involved in our communities

ARC Scotland have conducted a major survey of the social care workforce on the impact of Covid-19 on the future of social care in Scotland. With over 600 responses from frontline and managerial staff across all sectors (statutory, voluntary, independent) this is essential reading for everyone who is involved in providing or planning social care support.

Key findings:

  • Supported people are perceived to be better able to cope and more resilient than their staff expected
  • Support should be constructed around people’s needs and preferences and provided in a more relaxed and non-pressured way
  • Social care staff are motivated, adaptable, resilient and proud of their work, but feel undervalued
  • Covid-19 gives us a unique opportunity to rethink how social care functions, and to move towards more flexible, autonomous and creative ways of working.

Read the full report here: ‘We’re all in this together- The impact of Covid 19 on the future of social care’ (PDF)