This group has membership from provider organisations who deliver services to people with learning difficulties. The Local Authority and on occasion the NHS attend the meetings for part of the time to share information and discuss issues of mutual interest.
The Forum discusses a broad range of issues relevant to the delivery of high quality person centred services for people with a learning difficulty and to supporting people to lead the best possible lives. Those involved in planning, managing or delivering services to people with learning difficulties in the area are welcome to attend.
The Group meetings are used to:
- Work together to share good practice and live issues
- Provide an opportunity for working in partnership with health and social care colleagues
- Contribute to the strategic development planning process
- Improve the quality of health and social care services for people receiving support
- Develop and sustain high quality personalised services that promote well being, independence, resilience, involvement and inclusion
- Improve skills and knowledge in the work place
The Forum is co-chaired by two members of the group. Co-chairs are elected every 3 years at the Annual Review meeting. The current Co Chairs of the Forums are Andrew Will – Cornerstone and Craig McGregor.
The Forum is facilitated by ARC Scotland team member Catherine Dempsey. Catherine keeps members connected and meetings and inputs for the forum.
Meeting Dates
Borders Provider Forum are currently on Zoom, every 2 months. Details are circulated in advance
If you are interested in attending these online meetings please get in touch with Catherine.
Information from Meetings
Terms of Reference
This is the Terms of Reference for the Borders Provider Forum – Borders PF ToR Mar 2020
The importance of grounding all that we do in the context of Human Rights, and putting rights into action, is also reflected and reinforced in the Guidelines For Person Centred Support Planning
Here is an accessible version of these Guidelines – Accessible Guidelines
In 2015 ARC Scotland consulted with the Provider Forums it supports to gather members views about the benefits of collaborative working.
Government Policy
The Provider Forum keeps up to date with local and national information and activity around key Government policies:
The Keys to Life
The Provider Forum keeps up to date with local and national information and activity around key Government policies:
The Keys to Life
Self Directed Support
Health and Social Care Integration
Self Directed Support
The Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013 places a duty on local authority social work departments to offer people who are eligible for social care a range of choices over how they receive their support. More information at:
Easy read leaflets about SDS from Scottish Borders Council:
- An introduction to Self-directed Support
- Direct Payments
- Individual Service Funds
- Social Work Managed Support
- Self-directed Support and information on your options