The Fife Providers Forum:

  • Provides a regular forum for Care and support providers to discuss common issues
  • Provides a representative forum which nominates members to sit on working groups with Fife Council
  • Shares experience, skills, knowledge and good practice to enhance services in Fife
  • Promote active partnership working
  • Collectively address and/or resolve shared provider issues with Fife Council
  • Actively engages in discussion with Fife Council to address future agendas and need
  • Promotes and contribute to service development in Fife
  • Engage and responds to National consultation processes

Any organisation which provides services to Adults in Fife can be represented in the forum.


The Forum sets a workplan each year, outlining the priority areas that members want to work on and the outcomes they would like to achieve. This is reviewed and updated regularly at meetings. The Forum also invites speakers on issues of relevance and on occasion organises workshop and events to allow for fuller discussion and learning and development around specific issues. The Forum also seeks to work closely with self advocates across the area.


Pam Butters - Chairperson
Pam Butter – Chairperson

Agenda with the Facilitator, identifies guest speakers to be invited, attends other groups and meetings and takes other appropriate action on behalf of the Forum and its membership as required.

The Forum is chaired by one of the members of the group, who is elected by Forum Members. The Chairperson, Pam Butter chairs Forum meetings, help to draw up the Agenda with the Facilitator, identifies guest speakers to be invited, attends other groups and meetings and takes other appropriate action on behalf of the Forum and its membership as required.




The Forum is facilitated by an ARC Scotland team member – Robin Paris. They are responsible for: organising meetings, inviting guest speakers, taking minutes, maintaining a list of members and circulating information and papers to the members and other appropriate people connected to the Forum.





Meeting Dates

While we can’t meet in person, Fife Provider Forum are currently holding meetings on Zoom. These meetings are usually every 3 weeks. Robin shares the zoom meeting links and agendas for these meetings by email.

If you are interested in attending these online meetings please get in touch with Robin.


Venue:      KY6 2PY       2pm - 4pm

Information from Meetings

ARC Scotland Report Published 2015:

Government Policy

The Provider Forum keeps up to date with local and national information and activity around key Government policies:

The Keys to Life is the Scottish Government’s Strategy for improving the quality of life for people with learning disabilities. For more information visit:

The Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013 places a duty on local authority social work departments to offer people who are eligible for social care a range of choices over how they receive their support. More information at:

The way we plan and deliver health and social care services in Scotland is changing. Legislation requiring integration of health and social care came into effect in April 2016 and new Integration Authorities now have responsibility for over £8 billion of funding for local services which was previously managed separately by NHS Boards and Local Authorities. More information at Scottish Government – Health and Social Care Integration

Provider Forums

Local networks for organisations that provide social care for people with disabilities or other support needs in eight Scottish local authority areas:

Read more about Provider Forums