Training & Learning

We provide training to workers, people who need support and families that improves knowledge, practice and awareness of rights.

Find out more about the training we offer - and how you can get involved.

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People & Involvement

We help people who need support and their families to have their voices heard and the power to make change happen.

Find out more about how we involve people with additional support needs and their families - and how you can get involved.

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Networks & Forums

We connect thousands of professionals, people who need support and their families from all over Scotland.

Find out more about our networks and forums - and how you can get involved.

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Improving People's Lives

We improve knowledge, practice, policy - and people’s lives.

Find out more about the difference we make - and how it changes people’s lives)

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Vacancy – Administrative Assistant

Support the Administrator (Accredited Training) and provide effective and efficient administrative support

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ARC Scotland Impact Report 2023/24

Check out a short report about our work last year

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Letter of rights – your rights when you are in a police station: easy read

SOLD was asked to develop a new easy read letter of rights. This is designed to help people with communication support needs

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NIN membership is now open, and for the first time people with support needs across Scotland can sign up to become a member!

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